The KU Leuven Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD) division (formerly known as the KU Leuven Noise and Vibration research group) is a section of the mechanical engineering department and has a well-established research experience in the field of noise and vibration analysis of mechanical structures. Machine tool stability was the origin of the research in the field of structural dynamics at LMSD (formerly known as PMA). In 1973 LMSD was one of the first laboratories in Europe to introduce a digital FFT Analyser (HP 5451A) for noise and vibration analysis in the field of mechanical engineering.
The development by LMSD researchers of analysis methods (modal analysis) to characterise and optimise the structural dynamic behaviour raised the interest of several European industries and research institutes. Challenging and important research projects followed, giving LMSD worldwide recognition in the field of noise and vibration analysis.
Some spin-off companies were founded by former LMSD collaborators to commercialise the results of LMSD's structural dynamics research. The most successful among them is certainly Siemens PLM Software which evolved throughout the years to become a market leader in the field of noise and vibration analysis software. The close collaboration and joint research projects between LMSD and Siemens PLM Software are certainly a guarantee for the industrial relevance of the scientific research at LMSD, and offer a unique forum for its research results.
The research group is a member of Flanders Make: the strategic research centre for the manufacturing industry supported by the Flemish Government, the Limburg SALK Fund, and the EFRO.
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