(880 KB) |
Strategies for active vibration control using a
structural power flow approach
Arruda J.R.F., Dehandschutter W.
pp. 653-666 |

(768 KB) |
Acoustic modal analysis at low frequencies:
simularities and differences in formulations
Augusztinovicz F., Sas P.
pp. 1685-1700 |

(668 KB) |
Determination of acoustic impedance of an
IC-engine with validation on a cold engine simulator for exhaust
Boonen R., Sas P.
pp. 389-400 |

(734 KB) |
Implementation of an active noise control system
in a double-glazing window
De Fonseca P., Dehandschutter W., Sas P., Van Brussel
pp. 377-388 |

(560 KB) |
Optimal random excitation
De Fonseca P., Cooper J.E., Swevers J.
pp. 903-914 |

(759 KB) |
Active control of rolling noise in a passenger
car through structural and acoustic control
Dehandschutter W., Sas P., Banfo G.L.
pp. 401-426 |

(1673 KB) |
A new wave based prediction technique for
coupled vibro-acoustic analysis: theoretical description and
application to a double wall structure
Desmet W., Sas P., Vandepitte D.
pp. 105-134 |

(483 KB) |
Structural optimisation of translational systems
with linear electric motor and aerostatics guideways used in
machine tools
Dogariu C., Al-Bender F., Heylen W., Van den Braembussche P.,
Van Brussel H.
pp. 1809-1816 |

(770 KB) |
Maximum likelihood identification of robot
dynamics using periodic excitation
Ganseman C., Swevers J., De Schutter J., Van Brussel
pp. 1083-1096 |

(1155 KB) |
A symmetrical boundary element formulation for
sound transmission through fuselage walls II: application
Grooteman F.P., De Boer A., Desmet W., Delmotte P.
pp. 697-718 |

(968 KB) |
The process to experimentally identify the
statistical energy analysis parameters of industrial structures:
step by step
Hermans L., Wyckaert K., De Langhe K.
pp. 171-187 |

(399 KB) |
Optimisation of structural modifications based
on frequency response functions
Heylen W., Mas P.
pp. 1843-1850 |

(782 KB) |
Flow induced vibro-acoustic response due to
rotor-stator interaction (RSI) in a large hydraulic power
Lecce L., Iadevaia M., Barbato F., Mirone C., Di Maso
pp. 1707-1721 |

(719 KB) |
Experimental validation of energy flow analysis
on a two dimensional frame
Moens I., Vandepitte D., Sas P.
pp. 627-640 |

(676 KB) |
Influence of excitation systems on the dynamic
behaviour of test structures
Olbrechts T., Vandepitte D., Sas P., Heylen W.
pp. 881-892 |

(446 KB) |
An alternative formulation to calculate higher
order resolution wavelet transforms – partial theory and
Verbeure B., Van Brussel H., Sas P.
pp. 939-946 |