“Exploring multi-fidelity noisy data: methods and real-world examples”
Katerina Giannoukou
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
co-authored by P. Ascia, S. Marelli, F. Duddeck and B. Sudret
“Uncertainty quantification in modal parameter estimation algorithm in case of input and output noise”
Mikkel Tandrup Steffensen
Technical Univeristy of Denmark, Denmark - Hottinger Brüel & Kjaer, Denmark
co-authored by J. J. Thomsen and D. Tcherniak
“Vehicle model likelihood computation using a probabilistic complex FRF matrix statistical reduction”
Justin Reyes
Laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi Échelle, MSME, Université Paris-Est, France
co-authored by C. Soize, L. Gagliardini and G. Brogna
“Robust smart periodic truss”
Leandro Rodrigues Cunha
School of Mechanical Engineering, UFU, Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil
co-authored by Morvan Ouisse and Domingos Alves Rade
“Vehicle steering design using solution spaces for decoupled dynamical subsystems”
Martin Münster
BMW, TU München
co-authored by Michael Lehner, Daniel Rixen and Markus Zimmermann