This two-day course on modal analysis is organised for the 50th time by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of KU Leuven. The course is set up as a general introduction with an emphasis on data acquisition and multi-channel modal testing. It is an intensive training course, where theoretical lectures are illustrated by numerous integrated demonstrations. A full-scale multi-channel survey of a real-life structure will be conducted and lectures on relevant industrial case studies are included. The mix of theory and practice gives the participants the opportunity to discuss theoretical and practical problems with experts in the field. The last part of the course touches on the practical use and applications of modal analysis ranging from troubleshooting to model updating.
Who should attend
The intensive course on Modal Analysis Theory and Practice is mainly oriented towards newcomers in the field of modal testing who have some background in the field of structural dynamics. However, since the course deals with state-of-the-art techniques in modal testing, more experienced persons may wish to participate in order to update their knowledge.
Location and language
The course takes place 11-12 September 2025 on the campus of the KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 300, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium.
Please check the location section of the website for a list of suggested hotels.
The course language is English.
The registration opens the 1st of May!
The registration fee is € 990 and a reduction of 50% will be granted to students. This fee includes lecture notes, lunch and refreshments during break periods.
For the optional social event (dinner), an additional cost of € 50 is charged.