This two-day course covers the various stages and tools involved in system-level modelling for mecha(tro)nic dynamical systems. The course is set up as a general introduction with an emphasis on various simulation formalisms, focusing on a range of practical guidelines in the definition of the mecha(tro)nic simulation models.
In going beyond component-level finite element simulation, we discuss how a full system-level analysis can be performed in order to assess various performance attributes commonly encountered in the industry. In particular we will take a deep dive into flexible multibody simulation techniques and lumped parameter modelling approaches, as well as the co-simulation of these two types of models. We will also discuss how model order reduction can help to achieve reasonable computational loads for these problems. Finally, the course will be illustrated with case studies on effectively performing these types of analyses on industrial complexity systems and in Digital Twin applications.

Who should attend

The intensive course on applied mechatronic simulation is mainly oriented towards newcomers in the field of system-level simulation of mechatronic systems, who have some background in the field of mechatronics and dynamics. However, as the course also tackles several state-of-the-art themes in the field of system simulation, it may also cater to experienced professionals who wish to update their knowledge.

Location and language

The course takes place 11-12 September 2025 on the campus of the KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 300, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium.

Please check the location section of the website for a list of suggested hotels.

The course language is English.


The registration opens the 1st of May!

The registration fee is € 990 and a reduction of 50% will be granted to students. This fee includes lecture notes, lunch and refreshments during break periods.

For the optional social event (dinner), an additional cost of € 50 is charged.